Tomorrow is the First Day of School! We are looking forward to a brand new school year and can't wait to welcome everyone back! See you all tomorrow, Monday, August 28th.
Wow! Education is truly a team effort! Over 91% of our students attended the North Elementary Open House with Parents/Guardians! We are all looking forward to a great year and remember to "Swarm Together!"
North Elementary Staff is happy to be back and can't wait to see all of our students at the Open House on Thursday night 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
We look forward to seeing everyone at our Back to School Open House on Thursday, August 24th starting at 6 PM till 7:30 PM.
Shout out to our maintenance staff for helping create a "Welcoming Learning Environment" at North Elementary! Check out our new Positivity Project Banners!
Thursday, August 24 @ 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
We are excited to see everyone!!
Our Chief Science Officers attended a drone seminar this week to learn about career options in this rapidly expanding field and test their own drone controlling skills!
Be on the lookout Ithaca!
3rd and 4th grade spent some time early this week in Summer School painting Kindness Stones. Students could choose to paint pictures, or kind words onto these stones as a way to share a smile with someone when they might need it most. During a walking field trip, students engaged in spreading kindness with everyone downtown and tucked their Kindness Stones in different places in our community with the hope that they can brighten someone's day.
3rd and 4th grade spent some time this week in Summer School learning about birds native to Michigan and learning about the different nesting habits of birds. We took a nature walk just outside of the school this week to gather supplies to try to build "nests" similar to our native birds.
Kids are engaged and learning during North Elementary summer school and we are having a great time!
We wish all of our staff, students and families a wonderful and restful vacation. Be sure to read over your summer break! See you back to school on August 28th!
We would like to wish our sixth graders congratulations as they get set to move onto junior high school next year! It's been a wonderful year and we look forward to watching you continue your success next year and beyond! Just remember to 'Swarm Together' and make North Elementary proud! Class of 2029
Here's a follow up to the sixth grade "Grid and Scale" math project. This is just a sample of the many wonderful and talented artists from our classes and their completed projects.
Another huge shoutout goes to all of our many "Heroes in the Hive" that came in to spend time with our students this year! Today was our last "Heroes in the Hive" at North. This was such a great program that brought in many wonderful community members to spend time with our students during lunch. Thanks to everyone that spent time with our students and being our heroes!
Today was Field Day at North! We would like to give a huge shout out to Mr. Rayburn for organizing this wonderful filled day! We would also like to thank the high school class and Mr. Slater for coming over to help run the stations! It was a great day and we always look forward to this each year!
Dear North Families,
This will be the last The Buzz of the 22-23 school year. The North Elementary staff would like to thank you for your cooperation throughout the year. We hope you have an enjoyable summer break, and we will see you next year. The last day of school is June 8th. We will release at 11:20 am. Thank you.
Mrs. Rayburn and the North Elementary Staf
This week students in Ms. Foglesong's class used their skills learned from the Positivity Project to write every classmate a kind message. The students' positive comments helped us put into practice the lessons learned from our daily P2 lessons.
These past few days the sixth graders have been using their math skills to create a grid and scale drawing project. The students demonstrate their knowledge of similar figures, determining the scale factor, as well as measurement of the grid and enlarging their choice of cartoon or design. Check out the beginning process and finished projects pictures forthcoming soon!
Awards Assembly/Music Performance:
We will be having an awards assembly for grades 3rd - 5th grades on June 7th at 9:30 AM. Please note that not all students will be receiving an award. In addition to the awards assembly, we will be having a short music performance during the assembly. Due to limited space, we ask that only parents/guardians attend the assembly.
6th Grade Graduation Info:
Our 6th grade graduation will take place outside in front of the gym/lawn area on June 8th beginning at 10 AM. Please bring lawn chairs and/or blankets for you and your guests. Graduation is for 6th grade families only.