Ticket Prices & Season Pass (Order Form)
22-23 Ticket Prices
All High School Games Will Be $5.00 Per Person according to league Rules
All Junior High Will Be $5.00 Per Game
Senior Citizen Pass
Seniors over the age of 60 can get an individual pass to all Ithaca High School HOME sporting events by contacting the Athletic Office at 875-2550 or by email. You may also pick a form up at any sporting event at the ticket table or booth.
Athletic Pass Prices
Family pass prices to all Ithaca High School HOME sporting events are listed below. You can purchase a family pass by contacting the Athletic Office at 875-2550 or by email. You can also fill out the Pass Order Form below and bring it with payment to any sporting event. If you would like to work for your family pass, please fill out the Workers Form under the Workers tab on the left hand side of this page as soon as possible.
Family Pass -- $200
Individual Pass -- $75
Student Pass -- $25
Click link below to print a pass order form
(this is for the public, not teachers)