Just in case you were wondering . . .

Ithaca Schools is working to implement an online payment method for one-stop payments. This includes adding money to your child's lunch account.
At this time, the old system is no longer available and the new system is in the process of implementation. We apologize for the delay and are working to expedite the process with the company. At this time, please send lunch money with your child or bring it in to the school. Thank you!

The first day of school! Go Jackets!

A new sign has been installed in front of the Jr / Sr High. We will be posting upcoming events and other points of interest to the digital screen portion of the sign, throughout the year. Go Jackets!

The “Hive” ready for some Volleyball tonight !

Football Schedule 2022

Jr/Sr High Parents - Your student most likely will need to check out text books for the start of their school year. To help this process in efficiency and lower your wait time in line, please bring or have your student come to one of the available time slots before school starts on August 29. They will need to bring their schedule that was mailed to them.
Tuesday, August 23rd
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m and 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 24th
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 25th
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Textbook checkout will also be happening a half hour before and during the Open House on Thursday, August 25th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Thank you for your help in this endeavor!
Jr/Sr High School Media Center

8th grade students completed their unit on Worm Composting! These kids successfully grew microgreens (salad greens) over a timeframe of 7 days. The potted plants shown here all received different types of fertilizers - but the one that received worm fertilizer did the best!

High school students in Spanish classes had a great time this week! They prepared a few special recipes as a class project. All were authentic dishes from Spain.
Can you say "excelente"?

Congratulations to the 2022
Irene Sawyer Award Winner:
Lani Bloom

Congratulations to the 2022
Female - Senior Athlete Award Winner:
Lani Bloom

Congratulations to the 2022
Male - Senior Athlete Award Winner:
Chad Pratt

Congratulations to the 2022
William Kirby Award Winner:
Chad Pratt

We're thrilled to announce the new app for Ithaca Public Schools! It's everything Ithaca Public Schools, in your pocket.
Download for Android - https://bit.ly/3K3dWEd
Download for iPhone - https://apple.co/3JZnVdS

We're thrilled to announce the new app for Ithaca Public Schools! It's everything Ithaca Public Schools, in your pocket.
Download for Android - https://bit.ly/3K3dWEd
Download for iPhone - https://apple.co/3JZnVdS

Ithaca Junior/Senior High School 05/02/2022 Announcements If you are bringing someone to prom that is not from Ithaca schools, you must fill out a form and bring a copy of their drivers license, if they graduated from Ithaca, we only need the form. Please see Mrs. Pendell for any questions. If you are ordering spring sports pictures, all forms and money must be turned into Mr. Marcy by Wednesday. Any 7th-10th grader interested in the Gratiot Area Youth Police Academy, stop in the office to pick up a packet. Attention Seniors: sign up for walking partners will start today. You will sign up in the office; both people must be present in order to sign up. Walking order is based on the order you sign up unless you have a speaking part at graduation, then you and your partner will be placed in the first row. You can sign up before or after school and at lunch time. Attention Seniors: Cap and gowns will be passed out starting today in the office-before school, after school or during lunch. Do not lose or ruin your cap/gown-we do not have extra’s and if you do not have both you will not be able to walk at graduation. Attention Seniors: Please reply to the banquet email that Mr. Bourgault sent. Follow the directions. We need firm numbers this week! Junior High Student Council and Yearbook meet today. After School Study will meet in rooms 106, 107 and 108 at the end of the junior high hallway from 3:05-4:00 every Tuesday and Thursday. Look at posted signs to find your room assignment. Signed 6th Grade Tour Guide forms are due to Ms. Lehner no later than 3:00 on Monday, May 9. Sports: Varsity Golf at St. Louis JV Golf at Swan Valley Jh Softball at Alma

Ithaca Junior/Senior High School:

Ithaca Junior/Senior High School: 05/03/2022 Announcements There will be no announcements or bells tomorrow morning due to AP testing. Once over, bells will be turned back on. If you are bringing someone to prom that is not from Ithaca schools, you must fill out a form and bring a copy of their drivers license, if they graduated from Ithaca, we only need the form. Please see Mrs. Pendell for any questions. If you are ordering spring sports pictures, all forms and money must be turned into Mr. Marcy by Wednesday. Attention Seniors: sign up for walking partners will start today. You will sign up in the office; both people must be present in order to sign up. Walking order is based on the order you sign up unless you have a speaking part at graduation, then you and your partner will be placed in the first row. You can sign up before or after school and at lunch time. Attention Seniors: Cap and gowns will be passed out starting today in the office-before school, after school or during lunch. Do not lose or ruin your cap/gown-we do not have extra’s and if you do not have both you will not be able to walk at graduation. Attention Seniors: Please reply to the banquet email that Mr. Bourgault sent. Follow the directions. We need firm numbers this week! After School Study will meet in rooms 106, 107 and 108 at the end of the junior high hallway from 3:05-4:00 every Tuesday and Thursday. Look at posted signs to find your room assignment. Signed 6th Grade Tour Guide forms are due to Ms. Lehner no later than 3:00 on Monday, May 9. Juniors and Seniors please check your emails for a nomination form for Prom King/Queen. It has a deadline. You will only get this email if you bought tickets. There is a FFA meeting tonight at 6pm in the Ag Barn! Look forward to seeing you all there!