7th and 8th grade Peer-To-Peer during lunch in Room 108
Reminder: Mt. Pleasant CTE will not be dismissed until 11:45.
Homecoming dance will be Oct. 8. If you are bringing a guest from another school or your guest has graduated from high school, you must pick up a guest form in the office. No junior high students and no guests 21 or older are allowed. If your guest is not an IHS graduate or in school, you must provide a picture ID that has their birthday on it. Forms must be turned in by Oct. 5
9th-12th graders check your school email for Homecoming Dance song requests!!
Drive Your Tractor or ORV to school is Friday, September 23. Pick up permission slips from Ms. Siefka in the Ag Room if you want to participate.
Varsity Cheerleaders will be selling mums for homecoming during JH and HS lunch. The cost is $8.00. They will be delivered on Homecoming, during school.
FFA Float building will be Sunday, September 25 at 6:00pm in the Ag barn. Come if you want to help.
Interested in discussing major world issues? Want to become the best possible you? You can make a difference! The first Model United Nations meeting will take place this Thursday during High School lunch. Bring your lunch to lab 1 and learn more! If you have questions please see Mrs. VanDeWeghe or Mr. Lincoln.
Above the Influence will start Wednesday during High School lunch
in Room 108
All Mt Pleasant CTE students stop in & see Mrs Skeith today
After School Study is open today from 3:05-4:00. Junior High students who are failing must go. Others are always welcome.
Junior High Student Council meets during lunch to make signs today.