


Happy Birthday to Samuel Martinez Cortes, Skylar Smith and Nora Vozar 

Any 9th-12th grade boy interested in playing baseball this year, there will be a meeting tomorrow with Coach Palmer in the bench hallway during HS lunch. If you leave early for co-op or CTE, he will be here early to meet with you. 

Seniors: keep working on your local scholarships.  They are due March 21st.  Look for the email from Mrs Hrabal if you haven’t started yet.  See Mrs Skeith with questions

Junior High Student Council will not meet today.

There is no tutoring this week or next.

Any 9th-12th grade boy interested in competing in track and field needs to see Mr. Macha as soon as possible. First day of practice is Monday, March 10th.


Varsity Girls Basketball at Montrose for game one in the Districts, they will take on Montrose at 5:30, bus leaves at 3:30 - Good Luck Girls!