


Alma Highland Festival and Games 2025 Queen of Scots Pageant Interested in receiving a $1500 or $500 scholarship to the college of your choice? Candidates are being sought for the 2025 Alma Queen of Scots Pageant. This competition is open to young

women 17 to 20 years old who live in or attend school in Gratiot County or are related to a past or present Festival board member, and who will be available to reign from April 2025 to

April 2026. Application packets are available on the Alma Highland Festival website at and on the Alma Highland Festival Facebook page. Deadline for applications is March 21st! Don’t delay! 

Junior High chess club meets today.

Attention Seniors: Local Scholarship applications are open. Check your email for details.  All are due March 21st.  See Mrs Skeith with questions

The Alma CTE open house is tomorrow at 530p at Alma High School.  This is a great opportunity to check out the CTE programs offered at the Alma Campus.

There will be a free spectator bus Friday to the Varsity games at Nouvel, see the Athletic office. You will get a free ride and free ticket into the game. We need as many people to go as possible. Sign up in the athletic office by end of day Thursday.

The rescheduled Career & Recruitment Expo is tomorrow.  Students will be called out of class at the end of 1st hour.

Attention Varsity girls basketball:  There are treats in the office that you can pick up between classes or at lunch.


JV Boys Basketball home 5:30

Varsity Boys Basketball home 7:00

Varsity Girls Basketball at Alma bus leaves at 4:55