


Happy Birthday to:  Karley Braman

No Alma or Mt. Pleasant CTE today:  if you are in a sport you are required to stay in the media center or you will not be able to participate in your sport.

Ferris State rep is here today at 10am in room 107

Career Expo permission slips are due today.  All juniors need to turn in forms to Mrs Skeith along with any seniors that plan to attend

Seniors remember Veterans Memorial Scholarships are due February 15th.  Local scholarships will be emailed next week 

Tutoring is open Tuesday and Thursday this week.

Junior High Student Council meets during lunch today.


7th Boys basketball at Hemlock, bus leaves at 3:15

8th Boys basketball at home 4:30

Varsity Girls Basketball at Merrill bus leaves at 5:45, game at 6:30