


Happy Birthday to Brooklynn Mitchell and Felicity Rossiter

Happy Birthday over the weekend to: Shane Loving, Quinne McMurphy and Jarieli Vazquez Cruz

Girls varsity basketball there are treats in the office, you can pick them up between classes or at lunch.

No Alma CTE today:  if you are in a sport you are required to stay in the media center or you will not be able to participate in your sport.

Ferris State rep will be here February 10th at 10a.  Sign up outside the counseling office

Juniors: turn in your permission slips for the Career Expo MONDAY! Any seniors planning to attend also need to turn in permission slips & sign up outside the counseling office


JV Bowling at Northern Lanes Sanford

Varsity Girls Basketball at home 5:30

Varsity Boys Basketball at home 7:00

Tonight is Veterans’ nights so wear your red, white and blue in support

Saturday Sports:

Varsity Bowling at Crooked Creek 

Varsity Wrestling at Holton for Individual Districts

Competitive Cheer at Chesaning Invite