


Happy Birthday to Breslynn Czachowrski and Myleigh Hephner

No Alma CTE tomorrow:  if you are in a sport you are required to stay in the media center or you will not be able to participate in your sport.

Ferris State rep will be here Monday at 10a.  Sign up outside the counseling office

After School Study is open today. Mandatory junior high students report to assigned teachers.

Juniors and seniors: Be sure to sign up for CTE next year if you plan to attend.  Mrs Skeith emailed the google form on Friday.  Also, turn in Career Expo permission slips are to Mrs Skeith by Monday, February 10th

Congratulations to January Student of the Month Tanner Lamey!

Tanner & Connor McMurphy see Mrs Skeith

Junior High chess club meets today.


JV Boys Basketball at Hemlock bus leaves 3:30

7th boys basketball at Bay City John Glen, bus leaves at 2:40, release at 2:30

8th boys basketball at home 4:30