


Happy Birthday to Carson Piotrowski

Juniors - Career Expo meeting today at 10a.  You will be dismissed from 2nd hour

Seniors - Community Foundation Scholarships are due Friday!

Dance guest forms are due TOMORROW!!!!

Happy Snowcoming week!

The following are dress days:

Thursday: Anything but a backpack- items must fit under desk and can not be motorized

Friday: Jersey Out

Snowcoming Tickets will be on sale all week before school and at lunch. They are $10 a ticket or 2/$15. Tickets at the door will be $20. 

Junior High Chess Club meets today.

Junior high students interested in playing in a chess or checkers tournament, sign up by completing a survey that will be in your email later today.

Rotary students will be signing out at 11:45 today and will return sometime after 1:00.  January’s group will also go on Feb. 5th to make up for the snow day.


Varsity Wrestling at Perry, bus leaves a 3:00 release 2:50

Competitive Cheer at Bay City John Glen please release girls at 2:20