


Happy Birthday to Jericho Antoine and Benson Eckelbarger

Grace Christian College rep is here today at 9a in room 107

Sophomores: CTE Presentation tomorrow at 12:30.  Report to 4th hour and you will be dismissed to the Media Center

Seniors - Check email regularly for scholarship information.  Remember Community Foundation scholarships are open until January 31st and your FAFSA competition has started so be sure to fill out your FAFSA (you will need FAFSA completed for many scholarships).  See Mrs Skeith if you have questions or need help getting started.

High school students can start picking up guest forms in the office for the Snowcoming dance starting today.  Reminder:  they must be turned in 2 days before the dance.

Reminder that dual classes started yesterday.  You should have logged in and read your syllabus already. Be sure to know your due dates and deadlines. See Mrs Skeith with questions

After School Study is open today. Mandatory Junior High students must report to their assigned teachers. Mrs. Kriegs’s students report to Mrs. Shankel in room 10s. Jorae’s students report to Ms. Dailey or Ms. Lehner.

Jr High Boys Basketball: reminder that pictures are right after school today in lab #1. 8th grade will go first, and then you will have practice here at the high school. Make sure you have a picture form or your parents have ordered on-line. 


JV Bowling at Riverwood bus leaves at 2:30, release 2:20

Varsity Girls Basketball at home with Chip Hills 6:00