


SVSU rep is here tomorrow.  Eastern, Douglas J, Alma and an Army rep are coming in November.  Sign up outside the counseling office.

Seniors: see Mrs Skeith to get your future plans added to the bulletin board

Lexi Madden, Jerzey Kemp, Aidan Brewer, Blake Morris, Genavieve Cox, Jacob Hahn check your email and see Mrs Skeith for a winter dual question

The Junior High Student Council is sponsoring dress-up days this week: Tues - Favorite Halloween movie, Wed - Black & Orange, Thurs - Costumes (with judging during junior high lunch for scariest, most original, funniest, and best group), and Fri - Blue & Gold

Tutoring is open Tuesday and Thursday this week.

Junior High Student Council meets during lunch today.

Youth in Government meeting at 7:45 AM tomorrow in Mr. Hessbrook’s room for those attending the Fall Conference this Friday. 

Congratulations to the Girls and Boys Cross Country teams for their Regional Championships on Saturday. They will now compete at State Finals this Saturday.For the boys Landen Styka who won the individual crown and Miingen Bertrand who came in second. Khloe Lehnst led the way for the Jackets and was runner up for the region.

Halloween Trivia starts today in the Media Center!  Stop in your free time to test your knowledge!  

Jr High Wrestling, you will pick up your wrestling singlets in the equipment room after school today.