The Michigan Tech rep needs to reschedule. New day/time will be announced when scheduled.
Half day of school tomorrow and no school on Friday
7th and 8th grade girls playing volleyball have practice tomorrow right after school at the high school
Just a reminder: Rotary students will be signing out at 11:45
Junior High Yearbook cover CONTEST! The Junior High Yearbook club wants your help! 7th and 8th grade students, design a cover that represents Ithaca Junior High!! Designs must be submitted by the end of this week to Ms. Brown. Check your email for more information.
ATTENTION: A family in our community has generously donated funds to make milk and/or an extra milk available to anyone who wants one.
The Junior High Student Council is sponsoring dress-up days next week: Mon - PJs, Tues - Favorite Halloween movie, Wed - Black & Orange, Thurs - Costumes (with judging during junior high lunch for scariest, most original, funniest, and best group), and Fri - Blue & Gold
The Junior High Yearbook cover contest! Design a cover that represents Ithaca Junior High!! Due to no school on Friday this week you will now have until Monday October 28th to get your design turned in! Check your email for more information.
There is no tutoring tomorrow.