


Happy Birthday to:  Allen Hustin

Class of 2027: Float building is today after school in Mr. Marcy’s room until 4:00.

Attention 10th and 11th graders:  you can pick up your pictures in the office before and after school, at lunch or in between classes in the office.  Do not get out of class to pick them up.

Attention all CTE students:The day of the homecoming assembly you will still be required to attend CTE you will only be excused if you are participating in the mini parade at the elementary school, those groups include all Varsity sports, band members and court members. The assembly will be over in plenty of time to catch the bus.

Attention all students attending home football games, please do not bring any outside footballs, they will not be allowed in the stadium.

Junior class float building will be Sunday from 12-3:30 at Tanner Lamey’s.  See Tanner or Mrs Skeith if you need an address. Snacks will be provided and we want all the help we can get!

You can start picking up guest form for the Homecoming dance. Forms must be turned in 2 days prior to the dance. No JH students are allowed to attend and no one the age of 21 or older will be allowed.  If your guest is from another school, the form MUST be signed by their administration.  If your guest graduated from a school other than Ithaca, an ID must be shown to verify their age.

Tutoring is open today from 3:05-4:00. Junior High students who are failing must report to their assigned teacher: Dailey, Jorae, Kreig, or Lehner. 

Attention Dual students: Tomorrow is the last day to drop your class with no fee.  If you are struggling in your class, see Mrs Skeith to discuss. 


We would like to congratulate Kaylee McPherson on her Division D, District 17, Reserve Championship win for Ithaca Equestrian Team. Kaylee represented Ithaca at 3 district meets over 3 days and competed in 45 classes. With her hard work as a one-person team, she qualified for High School Equestrian Team Regional Competition where she will compete against 8 other high school teams to earn her spot at the State Championships. Over the next 3 days she will compete in 15 classes as a 1-person team. Regionals will take place this weekend in Midland, and she will compete Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We would like to wish Kaylee the best of luck in her upcoming days of competition. 

PowderPuff Sign up is this week. Please see the list outside of the athletic office. Please be respectful and not write down anyone’s name but your own. Also, do not erase names!


JV Golf home invitational starting at 3:30

JV Football at home vs. Hemlock at 6:00