


Happy Birthday to:  Anthony Dehring, Ayden Kennedy and Trevor Upton

You can start picking up guest form for the Homecoming dance.  Forms must be turned in 2 days prior to the dance.  No JH students are allowed to attend and no one the age of 21 or older will be allowed.  If your guest is from another school, form MUST be signed by their administration.  If your guest graduated from a school other than Ithaca, an ID must be shown to verify their age.

Lansing Community College will be here today at 9a in room 107.  

Class of 2027: Float building is today after school in Mr. Marcy’s room until 4:00.

Junior class float building today after school in the Choir room until 4p

PowderPuff Sign up is this week. Please see the list outside of the athletic office. Please be respectful and not write down anyone’s name but your own. Also, do not erase names!

Tutoring is open today and Thursday from 3:05-4:00.  Junior High students who are failing must report to their assigned teacher: Dailey, Jorae, or Lehner. Krieg’s group report to Mrs. Shankel.

Freshman class meeting tomorrow at 7:30am in Ms. Siefka’s room. Meeting will be discussing the float building ideas.