Happy Birthday to Nevaeh Gilbert
Good luck to the marching band on their final 2 competitions of the year. Call time on Saturday is 6:30am with the performance at 9:30am @Cedar Springs HS. Call time on Monday is 3:30pm with the performance at 5:45pm @Owosso HS.
Just a reminder, all Homecoming guest forms are to be turned in by Wednesday!
CMU rep is here today at 930 in room 107 and is able to do on-site admissions. Sign up outside the counseling office
Senior T-Shirt orders due by Friday, October 20. Turn in form and money to Mr. Hessbrook or Mrs. Casey.
Homecoming dance tickets will be on sale tomorrow before school and during lunch. Tickets are $15 or 2/$25.
PowderPuff sign up is outside the athletic office. All girls need to be signed up no later than today at 3:00 pm! The PowderPuff game will take place Sunday, October 8th at 6:30pm.
After School Study is open today from 3:10-3:50.
Junior float building on Saturday at 1pm at Lakyn’s house.
Congratulations to Student of the Week: Evan Wood
Freshman: We will be working on our float this week immediately after school in Mr. Marcy’s room.
JV Football home with MLS at 6:00